kasus rak server ndhukung dhukungan motherboard sp2c621d32gm-2t / genoa2d24g-2L / SP2C741d3g-2L
Product Description **Innovative server rack case designed for advanced motherboard support** In an ever-evolving technology landscape, the need for powerful and efficient server solutions continues to increase. As businesses and organizations become increasingly reliant on data-driven operations, the need for high-performance server rack chassis capable of housing advanced motherboards has become critical. Kurban paling anyar ing papan iki kalebu Kasus Rak Server khusus dirancang kanggo S ... -
Kasus server kerja kerja sing kompatibel karo 360 \ 2460 \ 4 120 banyu pendinginan
Product Description **Introducing the Ultimate Tower Workstation Server Case: Unleashing the Power of Water Cooling** In the ever-evolving world of technology, the need for high-performance computing solutions has never been greater. Apa sampeyan gamer, pencipta konten, utawa analis data, duwe workstation sing penting kanggo entuk kinerja sing optimal. Ketik inovasi paling anyar ing Desain Server: Kasus server Workstation server, sing direkayasa kanggo ndhukung Lanjut Water Cooli ... -
Nggawe kasus rak server 4u LCD karo keyboard
Katrangan Product 1. Apa kasus PC PC PC LCD 4u rackmount karo keyboard? Kasus PC Rackmount LCD karo keyboard minangka kasus komputer khusus sing dirancang kanggo server omah kanthi rak standar standar 19 inci. Kalebet monitor LCD sing dibangun ing lan keyboard, ngidini kontrol lan manajemen sistem server. 2. Apa kaluwihan nggunakake PC PC PC LCD 4u Rackmount karo keyboard? Kauntungan saka nggunakake kasus PC PC LCD 4U Rackmount karo keyboard ... -
Dhukungan 21 Slot ekspansi pci-E Full-E lengkap 10 kasus server 4U GPU
Katrangan Product ** FAQ kanggo kasus server 4U GPU kanthi slot ekspansi PCI-e ** 1. Apa fitur utama saka server 4U GPU? ** Kasus 4U GPU dirancang kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan komputasi tinggi, utamane aplikasi sing mbutuhake pangolahan grafis intensif. Fitur utama biasane kalebu dhukungan kanggo 21 slot ekspansi ekspansi 21 dhuwur lengkap kanggo nginstal pirang-pirang GPU lan kertu ekspansi liyane. Desain iki mbantu nambah kekuwatan lan keluwesan komputasi, sing cocog kanggo tas ... -
Dhukungan 8 * SAS / STA 12GBPS Sambungan Langsung Bunder Replane
Product Description #FAQ: Support 8*SAS/STA 12Gbps direct-connect backplane Liquid Cooling Server Case Welcome to our FAQ section for 8*SAS/STA 12Gbps Direct Attached Backplane Liquid Cooling Server Case! Ing kene kita bakal mangsuli pitakon sing kobong kanthi humor. Ayo miwiti! ### 1. What exactly is a backplane? Why should I care? Ah, the backplane! It's like the unsung hero of your server chassis. Think of it like the backstage crew at a rock concert – without it, the show... -
Ndhukung daya rencing 550w / 800W / 1300W ndhukung kasus server server pendinginan eeb Motherboard
Product Description ### water cooling server case: the ultimate solution for high-performance systems In the world of high-performance computing, the importance of a reliable and efficient cooling system cannot be overstated. Water-cooled server chassis are designed to provide optimal thermal management for powerful components, especially when paired with redundant power supplies such as 550W, 800W, or even 1300W. Sasis iki ora mung nambah kemampuan pendinginan, nanging uga njamin ... -
Penyerapan kejutan umume ndhukung 8 * 3,5 "slot disk panas-saphot 4677 / SP5 Server Server Sasis
Product Description **Title: Revolutionize your data center with 4677/SP5 water cooling server chassis** In the ever-evolving world of technology, efficiency and performance are paramount. Server server pendinginan 4677 / SP5 minangka produk game sing dirancang kanggo nyukupi panjaluk pusat data modern. Chasis inovatif iki ora mung nambah kemampuan pendinginan nanging uga njamin kinerja aplikasi kritis. Kanthi fitur desain sing ramping lan canggih, 4677 / SP5 WI ... -